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Taiwan, China
Principais produtos:Suplemento de saúde:, A saúde Da Pele, Intestino/saúde digestiva, Bone & saúde das articulações, Peso-gestão


By deconstructing the English company name of HEALTHTAKE. You can clearly understand the VISION and MISSION of the company.
HEALTH is wellness, and TAKE implies three meanings, one is to obtain (health), one is to select (health sources), and the other is homophony for the abbreviation of Technology (Tech).

Our VISION is to see more people get healthy.

Our MISSION is to strive to source and obtain scientific and technologically innovative functional materials to achieve our VISION.

We have been committed to fulfilling our VISION and MISSION for several years. From scratch, we have not slackened, and we have achieved success in ten years. We have become a leading company in this field.
 We insist on walking on the right path. The stronger we are, the easier it will be to achieve our VISION, and it will happen naturally.

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Comprimidos efervescentes
US$ 0,30 - US$ 0,80
Min. Order: 5000 Peças